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Mechanics Colloquia

An occasional cross-disciplinary seminar series
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Integrated Design
Profs. John Clarkson and Bill Dawes, Drs Geoff Parks and Jerome Jarrett

Our presentation will introduce the challenges and rewards of an exciting cross-divisional research programme at CUED. Our objective is to make our research more “problem-centric”: rather than tackle research questions from traditional discipline based perspectives we have adopted a truly multi-disciplinary approach. This work grew from some early research in the EDC into the design of aeroengine compressors which identified subtle geometric changes to which the (already high) aerodynamic performance was immune yet which made dramatic improvements in mechanical life. We have formed a research group, the Integrated Design Consortium (IDC), to develop the tools and techniques necessary to support our aim of more effectively bringing the most appropriate specialist engineering skills to bear on any given problem. We shall present a range of the current IDC research projects, together with our plans for wider collaboration.

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