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Mechanics Colloquia

An occasional cross-disciplinary seminar series
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Tribology and arthritis: are there connections?

Dr. Michael J. Furey
Virginia Tech, ASME Distinguished Lecturer

In this lecture, Dr. Furey will discuss key findings in continuing research on exploring possible connections between tribology - the study of friction, wear, and lubrication - and mechanisms of synovial joint lubrication as well as degeneration (e.g., as in osteoarthritis). The research in this area, which may be described by the word "Biotribology," has extended over a 20-year period. And during the last 8 years it has been part of a collaborative program with the College of Veterinary Medicine and Department of Biochemistry.

In the talk, a brief review of theories of joint lubrication will be presented. Surprisingly, over 30 (!) different theories of joint lubrication have been proposed - most of these being preoccupied with friction, not wear which is obviously more important. The emphasis of the research on biotribology carried out by Dr. Furey, collaborating scientists, and students is on the influence of biochemical environment and changes - in synovial fluid as well as articular cartilage - on cartilage wear and damage using a device designed for "in vitro" tests.

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