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Mechanics Colloquia

An occasional cross-disciplinary seminar series
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Symmetry and structural mechanics

Dr. Simon D. Guest

It is commonly understood that if a structure with certain symmetry is subjected to loading with identical symmetry, considerable time and computational effort can be saved by making use of this symmetry as part of an analysis. It is less well known these savings are also available if the structure is subjected to any general loading.

An example of a general analysis that is well understood (and is even part of the engineering department's second year structural mechanics course!) is the use of symmetry and antisymmetry to simplify the analysis of a structure with bilateral symmetry. This talk will outline how the same basic ideas can be extended to structures with more complicated symmetries using group representation theory.

A recent development has been the application of group representation theory to equilibrium and compatibility relationships for symmetric structures. The talk will outline this development, and describe some of its implications to understanding the mechanics of symmetric structures. These include the ability to detect finite mechanisms based only on a linear analysis and symmetry arguments, and the development of a symmetry extension of Maxwell's rule for the rigidity of frames.

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