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Mechanics Colloquia

An occasional cross-disciplinary seminar series
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The philosophy and implementation of safety in the air

Mr A.B. Wassell
formerly of Rolls Royce

Safety is a subject that none can afford to ignore especially those involved in the business of air-transport. This is equally true for all other forms of transport and must include the regulators, manufacturers and operators (and sometimes the passengers who are transported). It is often said, or implied, that the manufacturers and operators are only interested in profit and therefore will automatically sacrifice safety in order to maximise that profit. This is plainly nonsensical because any enterprise caught up in a major disaster will generally lose far more in costs, disruptions, liabilities and reputation than will be saved by deliberately ignoring risks.

The quantification of those risks, however, may be difficult and there may well be situations which are beyond control or assessment. Accidents will, therefore, unfortunately always occur, but it is incumbent on each industry to quantify and then, minimise all foreseeable risks and thus accidents and loss of life. This involves the complete assessment of all aspects of the engineering task using the best practices available and consideration of the historical record of past accidents and previous service experience. These serve to provide lessons which illustrate with hind-sight, the areas where our knowledge falls short of our ambitions.

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