Department of Engineering |
University of Cambridge > Engineering Department > MMD |
Principal Investigator:
David Cebon
Project Details:
Asphalt is a complex material with a high volume fraction of aggregate particles and air voids in a non-linear, visco-plastic matrix. Although researchers have been investigating asphalt for many years, current knowledge of its performance is largely empirical.
The Transport Research Group, working in collaboration with the Centre for Micromechanics, and the Nottingham Asphalt Research Consortium has an on-going project on the micromechanics of asphalt deformation and fracture. The principal focus of the research is to develop a fundamental understanding of the behaviour of asphalts, leading to design of more durable roads. (Some recent publications can be found in our publications database ).
A number of projects are available in this area, focussing either on deformation or fatigue and fracture. The research will generally involve a combination of novel laboratory tests and mathematical modelling.
Background Required:
Applicants should have a first class degree in Mechanical, Civil or Materials Engineering, with a strong interest in strength of materials. Both laboratory skills and mathematical modelling ability are essential.
Funding Source:
EPSRC Studentships may be available for UK students. Occasional fully-funded studentships are available from NARC .
Research Groups Involved:
Application Deadline:
For further information and to apply contact:
Dr. D. Cebon Cambridge University Engineering Dept Trumpington Street Cambridge, CB2 1PZ United Kingdom |
Phone: +44 (0)1223 332665 Fax: +44 (0)1223 332662 email: dc@eng.cam.ac.uk |
Initial letters of application and CVs should be sent to Dr. Cebon.
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